Girls Who Code

Girls Who Code is a nonprofit organization which aims to support and increase the number of women in computer science and close the gender employment difference in technology. I became a facilitator for the Girls Who Code Seattle chapter in the Fall of 2019 where myself and a cohort of programming enthusiasts teach the basics of programming for backend and frontend to curious and inspiring young women.

The gender gap in computing is getting worse. In 1995, 37% of computer scientists were women. Today, it’s only 24%. If we do nothing, in ten years the number of women in computing will decrease to just 22%. While girls’ participation in computer science ebbs over time, the biggest drop off happens between the ages of 13-17. It is for this reason that I decided to volunteer and why it has become my favorite extracurricular. In addition to teaching, I will also be helping to design and build out the website for our chapter. Which upon completion, will be made available as a repo on GitHub for further collaboration. 

To learn more about Girls Who Code, or to get involved you can visit their website here. More of my projects built during my time with the Seattle chapter will be posted here throughout the year.